arty farty?

art is so subjective. some may love it to bits, and some may hate (and curse) at it so badly
to me, art is a universal language - something that speaks to more than your mind, but your emotions and your soul as well.
i dont have anything against the arty-fartys, but if you don't understand what is being portrayed or the message that is being brought across, how are you to be touched emotionally and spiritually?
i went to a school dance production last weekend to support a friend. not knowing what sorta dance production i was attending, i had expectations and visualizations of flowy and vibrant costumes; energetic and punctuated choreography; synchronized movements to catchy music.
but i was deeply mistaken.
the bunch of us literally sat through 2 hours in victoria theatre, racking our brains to whatever interpretations we could come up with of each dance; and of the meaning it could entail, and come up with.. nothing.
it's not that it was boring. it really wasn't. i just didn't get any of it.

clarke quay, after that, on the other hand, was art to me. and a fantastic one at that.
from the people it attracted, to its architecture, to the vast varieties of music and clubs - it was every beat an art scene that the singapore government has painstakenly developed, and succeeded in doing so; possibly one of its rare times i would suppose.
we went to pump room, to celebrate jianwen's birthday, and gained entry upon the strike of 12, and then met a drag queen who reminded me of the one in shrek, except that she sang superbly well, with a band that played covers so close to the original songs you really couldn't tell the difference

anyhow, i was discussing with lide about the perceptions of art, and he said he was going to stick to making hollywood films instead of arthouse films, although his decision garnered pretty negative criticisms from 'artists'
and it just somehow bugged me really bad, bout how many 'artists' these days look down on 'underlings' like us who don't appreciate or do not get their silent/shoot-and-cut/no-story-line kinda films, that seemingly get more awards the more normal people don't understand their stories
so seriously, what's the point of a language when nobody understands it but you?
art is for communication and expression; but if your audience doesn't receive the messages that you're trying to send, then you are the one who's failed, not your audience.

this isn't directed at anyone in particular (or maybe it is)
all i'm trying to say is, the appreciation of art is definitely subjective
and the purpose of art isn't to judge. so will the artists please stop judging?


i think life holds the most surprises and fun when it's at the transitional points - like birthdays are the transitional points from an age to another; like from high sch to JC, etc
right now, searching for a job, going for interviews and finishing my last semester of school, i realized i'm enjoying school a lot more than i did, because i have something to look forward to at the end of it. it's like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as i go for interviews and written assessments with a couple of govt agencies whose names i shall not reveal.
it might have something to do with the moral hazard problem that all my graduating kakis are rambling on about - there isn't much we can or cannot do to modify our GPA/CAP and hence there's not much motivation or urgency to study, beacuse no matter how we do, our grades and future are more or less sealed by now.

anyhow, school in the last semester is something like this:
classes --> meals @ the deck --> hang out at the econs honours room (which has become some sort of lounge or something altho its construction intention was prolly originally for 'academic purposes')
we eat, we sleep, we play, we work in that room, which, sometimes, above and beyond the companionship and friendship that can blossom inside there, has one important thing that everywhere else doesn't have - AIRCON!
today, the honours room came handy again for our game of poker with the usual econs people + mac. it must be chinese new year luck or something because alotta people got good hands today. and just like the evil of bell curve, average to decent hands got pushed out, again and again. makes things a lot more exciting, for sure, and certainly also a little more heart-breaking at times lol.

timbre @ old school after poker. ♥ to a millionth times.
i'm growing realllyyy fond of that place; it's so hidden and chill, and slightly up on a hill so it's alot more cooling than the other timbres. love the pizzas. love the music.
it's so going down in my to-go places. #1!
ok end post abruptly here. i think i just created a post out of entirely disjointed sentences with no link whatsoever to each other. well done.