
the title pretty much says it all.

a fun day @ sentosa!! (see below)

the women in shades. plus a few other pics that are not uploaded yet.
altho i wasnt at all prepared because i thot i was gonna have to rush down to church for praise & meeting. hence i brought along nothing except myself.

wrong move.

but i managed to get a slight tan anyways. HEE~ (: the weather was perfect, the scenery was awesome. i really wanna go back there againn!!

badminton + pseudo gym ytd kinda wiped me out today. i played a few matches with the little boys (: namely, seth, david, sean, and.. MAC. hahaha. (pls dont kill me)
i cant remember whet my team won or lost. or BOTH.
but it was a good workout. esp for this couch potato.

im so so tired now. after an awesome weekend. with you (:
'everyday i love you more and more.. "

i'm coming back to the heart of worship
where its all about You, all bout You Jesus..

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