another day goes by..

sometimes i just wonder..
why some people over-react the way they do
or how some people can just fall off the face of the earth like it doesnt matter
or why some people can treat each other with such judgmental eyes
or simply, what people are actually thinking about deep inside.

and sadly, i really dont know any of the answers.

sometimes, you wake up knowing that its gonna be a bad day
and you hope to god that ur gut feeling goes away
but at the end of the day, u come to realize y tt feeling came about in d 1st place
and you realize ur gut instinct was right. SADLY.

my day was like a bell curve. which started on a low, climaxed to a high at midday, and then fell to all time low by midnight.

so i guess when its all the way down
the only way to go is up.
now i just have to make myself believe that.

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