what a weekend~

a really fun weekend that's left me feeling rather tired, accompanied with huge bags. correction: huge eye bags.
above pictures (and below) are a meager few from the sleepover in.. CHURCH! (:
we finally finished like 70% of instrumental recording for our CD. production's on its wayy!!
hence, i've developed a newfound respect for performers.
it's definitely NOT easy for every single instrument to be playing at perfect harmony & synchrony for each song, much less 9 song
by the time we called it a day, it was 4am. i couldnt even remember what i played when we heard the playback the next day

this is me - the effect of a latenight CD recording, and a really really cold room

and this was my pillow for the night - little coro (:
which i conveniently found in the baby cot in the room where we slept.

on a completely outofpoint note, i walked past my condominum guardhouse this evening on my way out, and on the computer screensaver was a huge, flashing, revolving phrase - "GOT TO MASTURBATE!!"
now i know what the security guards are really doing during their shifts..

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