on looking back

mac said something that rang my nostalgic bell this afternoon
and as it follows, i went to my blog, and re-read entries dating back to 2005, and remembered why it is that i still have this blog in the first place
this portal encompasses the bits and pieces in my life - things i'd like to remember, for good or bad, so i can look back and witness my own growth and changes within myself
its like a scatterplot of points in my life; one that i can finally plot a line through to see the ups and downs, and unveil the journey that i have taken
i write today, so that one day i can return to this exact page, and be in the moment that i am now, remember the thoughts that i held, and relive this time.
i write today, so that i may give thanks and be appreciative of what i have or had
i write today, because i want memories to last forever


on writing, i've completed a 13-page research paper on the evolution of prehistoric art ytd
its a paper written for my UCLA anthro class, for the credits that i've yet to attain
although it wasnt easy writing this paper (esp since i left my textbook back in UCLA), it was prolly one of the most enjoyable, and best paper i've written
the topic was engaging and interesting; i actually felt like i was learning while writing that paper

on school, i actually have a 3.5 day week this semester
its pretty amazing, the turn of events
i screwed up my CORS bidding because of garmisch's lack of internet in germany, but i ended up with one of the best term schedules i've ever gotten in my entire NUS education
God does have a way of working things out in the least expected manner or time

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