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its coming into week 5 of school, and i'm starting to feel the heat
school itself isnt as tough as previous semesters, but working towards a cap5.0 this semester so as to graduate with second upper honors is definitely not easy at all.
the thought of summer school... ugh, lets not go there. but thats a must, for sure.
it definitely is a strange feeling considering most of my econ major peers are stepping out into the workforce at the end of this term; but ohwell it is an investment that hopefully i'll appreciate in the near future.


past weekend of CNY visitation, golf class, and dinner @ jurong hill was definitely worth remembering.
on sunday we went to zhenjie's for visitation, and...(as all recent house parties would go) play Wii.

here's everybody with some crashers

and here's my cell group

on saturday, mac and i gave our go at golf. wasnt my first, but i still sucked at it as if it were my first.
75, 100, 50 respectively. SIGH

then mac and i joined my parents and abel's & ernest's parents for a midnight karaoke session at orchid country club. OLDIES UNITE.

and on friday, dinner @ jurong bird park. i've never been into the park, but the restaurant on jurong hill was awesome

the end.

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