in a bid to maximize the usage of our SUV before it gets traded in for a Beemer, i decided to take the dogs to botanical gardens
it might be a few months before the careful treading around the new leather of the BMW will relent to the responsibility of being a dog owner
so it might be a few months before the dogs are allowed in the new car :(

the after-rain botanical-garden scene was really beautiful and peaceful

or at least until ginger came along and tore up every last bit of serenity, freaking out the swans by attempting to hunt them down, and running everywhere frantically like she had enemies hot on her heels

in other news, i made jello-shots! (: vodka, ribena, and blackberry jello

i wanted to do lime+tequila, but i couldnt find any tequila! it is pretty amazing, considering tequila is found everywhere in the USA, even in pharmacies.
anyway, mac&i met up with ernest, lide & zhenjie for drinks @ lide's old condo
it marked the end of my 4 midterms all packed into one week, a really tumultumous week considering the difficulty of the papers

it was a good talk with the boys; we havent caught up this way in a long time
ernest brought his guitar, so there were some emo-song-singing,
and some malibu-MANGO cocktail in a shotglass (we didnt bring cups, smart),
and some melted jelloshots despite my trying to cool the jello in an airconditioned car :(

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