sweet eighteen

hooha im officially 8*teen today! i can drive (gotta start wit driver's ed first), drink n club legally, buy alcohol (not tt im gonna), buy smoke (no way im gonna) n take my A levels (wow).

im rly blessed to have so many friends who care. got alotta birthday smses, esp frm pple who ive kinda lost touch wit. i was so amazed they remembered when i myself almost forgot my birthday. thank God for these friends. :)

got a couple of presents frm pple thnx guys if u read this :) my mom n sis bought me funny gifts. a Sims magic computer game, and a reversi set. lol. then we made a trip down town to buy a playstation2, but decided to buy it frm chinatown tmr instead. my mom's crazy about puzzle bubble. lol. o they ordered in pizza n bought me a cake too. so sweet of them. o my dog went berserk wit the balloons they put up, n almost burnt its whiskers frm leaning into the candles.

my birthday cake. 8teen!!

my mom n i on my birthday :)

o so b4 tt in sch, my class decided to embarrass me by singing the birthday song LOUDLY in the void deck while we were having lunch. lol. n after sch my OG set me up wit a chicken-rice-birthday-"cake". haha. so sweet of em still. they planted a straw in the middle of a plate of chicken rice as my candle, n made me finish the plate of rice. i still love my OG :)

has been a pretty toned down birthday. i guess its gd in its way. i was pretty much occupied wit stuff i actually forgot my own birthday. haha. gonna b busier days coming up tho. hah

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