it's raining men

somehow our entire cell grp started talking bout russel peters today. it's rather amazing how many pple have watched it and memorized the lines. its still as funny as ever nonetheless lol

church service today was rather ok, except for my chinese screwups while reading the bible verses for service. praise was relatively smooth considering we did not have a single prac due to busy schedules. we juz put everything in God's hands, and prayed for His guidance in leading the congregation. and we did it :) the glory be to God.

im once again touched by God's grace in ytd's turn of events. im relieved, happy, and content :) enough said.

o jasper burnt me amityville and house of wax :) double horror that i can self censor haha. watched national treasure ytd night. it was GOOD. somewhat like da vinci code. hm think i ought to start studying tmr..

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