you're my angel

i watched star wars ytd. personally i didnt think it was bad. guess cuz i didnt even kno that who darth vader was to begin with. im not exactly a star wars fan. hmm. the lines were rather cheesy tho. but it was a rather gd movie altogether. camelot was rather ok too. although its length did surprise many of us. at 10pm an intermission was announced, when many of us thot it was the end. it finally ended at 11:30pm. phew. if it were this tiring for the audience, i wonder how exhausted the crew must be. respect

rugby finals today. we won RJ 23-nil! yayy go AC :) it was quite fun cheering. tho nobody around where we stood rly cheered along. sigh so dead. cherie rachel n i juz cheered anyways. team havoc is seriously as their name suggests. but they're funny. so wad the heck.

whee cant believe it's the last day of sch term tmr. o n here's a lil shoutout to the peeps all over the other side of the world across the Pacific ocean in USA: alisa trevor aloysius and ken. gd luck for ur finals and graduation!

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