
running a little out of breath in this race for time. trying to squeeze everything into my tiny brain in the quickly evaporating time. attempting to fill as many pages with 'words' that seem to blur into a curvy line after the 3rd page. and yet it never seems enough when "pens down!" is announced. hurry, hurry, joy.

ive been plagued with a mysterious dizzy spell for the past few days as well. must be from all that -nudging- lol. self-nudging that occurs when i look at my mountain sets of geog notes, reminding myself that i'll prolly need full marks for my next geog paper to secure an A after the first screwed up paper.

suddenly 24th nov seem way too far away. waywayway. times infinity. plus 100.

thou shalt not compare with others...

ok so i'll have more days than the others to be considered a student of ACJC (:

because You're the one who'll lift me up
because You're the one who'll bring me through it all

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