once again..

Everybody wants to be loved
every once in a while
we all need someone to hold on to
just like a helpless child..

this is way harder than i thought it would be. somehow i imagined that it would all work out fine, the way it always does. the papers so far have not been too encouraging or uplifting in any way. i cant help worrying, tho i know that doesnt go a long way. then, glancing at my entry proof.. realizing that all papers are major writing papers next week.. *she turns and runs to hide in bed*

You are strong when i am weak..

-breathe in breathe out -

tomorrow's a brand new day. 2 days to finish econsliteraturehumangeog. in one go. if at first you dont succeed, try, try again. it wont be so hard if i werent this tired.

I'm carried in everlasting arms
You'll never let me go
Through it all

and he looked at the scarlet little puncture, as if he would like to kiss it and make it well..

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