
you realize that there are alot (i mean, aLOT) of weird people out there when you bid for ur modules
for eg, there was this crazy bugger who bidded ALL of his/her program pts on econs exposure
the highest bidder for EC1101E bid 600 pts
that's a LOT considering every freshman is only given 600 pts to begin bidding with
which means that that freshman will be taking only one module for the first sem
conveniently out-bidding everyone else in the whole school
like.. HUH??
(if i dont get my modules i'll track down that bugger)

anyway~ the past few days have been pretty conducive in getting a FEEL of NUS
with matriculation, orientation talks, medicals, and bunking with rumbo @ temasek hall ((:
yesterday was a chill-and-relax-at-NUS day, where we spent most of our time in jacinth's & chow's room hehe.
lunch was munchie monkey's (with shiok baked rice & rocky road ice-cream)
and dinner was at jurong pt with lide, and we watched "click"! ((:
it was a really good show, and awfully meaningful at that (i think i cried more than i did @ titanic)
after tt i met mac at holland village for another of our late-night talks in the cool night breeze (:
we positioned ourselves strategically across 7-11, which equated to satisfying my hot chocolate craving yummy
mac sent me back at like, 4 something, and i completed planning my schedule with rumbo for uni! woots
three and a half day week ((: uni is slaacckkk. and i like it that way.
too bad beauty&thebeast didnt work out on any of our laptops :( BOO. i still wanna watch it

today was our road trip around singapore, thanks to jacinth the driver haha
it was really fun, altho huishi, elaine, sharon and i were squashed cozy at the back =p
i havent gotten the pics from photo-whoring-queen (huishi). send me the pics girl!! ((:
but i still cant believe we used up half the tank just driving around singapore -.-
i also conclude that im a direction-illiterate
i seriously have NO directional sense, nor do i have the ability to communicate directions to the poor driver
hehe so sorry to those who were in the car while we went round and round and round
im trying!! =p

commencement of arts o-week tmr!
cant wait cant wait ((:
i might even sleep before 12 tonight hehehe..

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