
today was trigger happy day with the alcohallics ((:
a failed bidding process rendered the four of us successfully free on waffles tuesday
which was more than a reason sufficient to go.. shopping!!
although theres no direct link there heehee.

there were many successful and failed attempts at capturing the abstract, and hence i shall feature my favorite one of them all - huishi and her ghost.

and then there were attempts at capturing the un-posed human expression, which ended up with a variety of expressions, ranging from love-lorn and candy-begging expressions..

to the i'm-bored, the i'm-lost, and the i'm-thirsty expressions..

the wonders of the human face and expression.

last but not least, i love old school hats((:

i think theres school tmr. for about 2 hours. that's just about it ((:

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