fly awayyy

yup, 10 days have passed. just like that. i swear, its really not enough :(
i'll be leaving on a jetplane.... TONIGHT (:
thanks everyone for the well-wishes, farewells/celebrations (hurhur), and presents!
you all made me feel very loved (:

so the past few days have been dwelt in fun and anticipation
we had our localfood makan session at abel's place on wed ((: kind of like a little foodhunt, except in cars :p

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yes, we were very, very happy people
(read: very fat)

on monday i went out with mr-teddybear.
i think the pictures say it all (:
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mac's also been my partial live-in boyfriend HEE (:
nights filled with home movies, talking, and just that little bit of badminton
very, VERY nice lazing around because we're both wayy too lazy hahaha

ok idk what to say anymore. so i'll write more (hopefully) from germany
IF i have internet -.-

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