someone else hit the big TWO today.. and its none other than my bestest friend and boyfriend (: so...

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and baby..
you are my shelter from the storm
you are the road that leads me home
and baby with you here face to face
Oh I know I've found my place

and you are strong when I am weak
you are the words when I can't speak
you never fail to see me through
that's the love I found in you

we had a very nice time during dinner ytd at blooie's for our pre celebration(:
just a nice night of pasta, burgers, and bbq chicken, coupled with good mix of house pours.
there was even oldschool love songs playing on the mix
for the actual birthday dinner today we ate at sakae dining. loads of good food too (:
so all in all, it was.. purrfect (:

anyway. another person i hearts a lot too is celine tan!!
we went shopping on thursday before meeting lide for transformers (:
she got me in such a shopping frenzy. but we're living testimony of how retail therapy works hee :P
thankgod im going to shanghai soon. lynn's gonna bring me shopping there woohoo!

i've been really slacking a lot, and watching loads of movies and teevee
friday was spent at my boy's place, watching lots of teevee and couch-potatoing (:
then saturday, mac came over to my place and we watched 200 pound beauty!

to end off, some pictures from church today (:
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i'll be seeing the light of shanghai in 2 days time..
and now i dont really feel like going :(

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