
in exactly 17 days time..
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makes the exam period a little more bearable having something to look forward to
shuttling off in a jetplane the day after my exam finishes may not be that bad a thing afterall!

SEP (student exchange program) applications are finally over. i nv knew it was such a tedious task
choosing the schools, mapping the modules, churning out reasons why i wld be a good ambassador
now i'll juz have to sit tight and let God take over completely (:

a futile attempt at consultation with serene tan today led to a much more fruitful session clearing doubts with the econs soc pple
im just rly glad to know im not the only one who seems to be drowning
idk whether to be glad or irritated that i cant look at the word "indifferent" to mean "apathetic", without going through a whole thought process of game theory, resulting in player1 accepting the deal (or at least for today)
but.. its supposed to be good. right?

okay revision periods suck and its supposed to be boring so thats what my life is about now
but its just rly nice to have people around who's there whenever i need them, and then exiting to give me the space and time i need to conquer this exam (:
so to all of you who've been so nice as to support me, rendering help in all ways, cheering me up when im down, fattening me up to keep my sugar levels relatively high and chirpy, calling to check on me.. etcetc

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