bikequest 08

thats the reason i have a real sore butt, painful arms, and feel like i've swam 20,000 laps
i think we cycled around 110-120km (by dan's calculations), including the mistaken routes we took
it actually felt like germany all over again - with all that mass cycling, traveling on roads, reading maps to get around, and cool (bordering on cold) weather thanks to the rain before we started
we started off at east coast park, where we were bestowed our bikes for the night, and then set off to different pitstops, ours being zouk as the first
i didnt bring a camera, so photos are courtesy of sharon (:

decked out in our cycling attire. cotton shirts from giordano that were ohh-so-soft (:

heres the 4 of us on nicoll highway (:

it was a pretty long journey before we reached central literally hahaha

we played a few games at the zouk bridge, which was near the valet parking lot, which conveniently meant that we had to cycle past dozens of staring puzzled people decked out in their best glam attire looking at dozens of us helmet-heads zooming past
not very glam.

after botanical gardens and ACbarker/balmoral plaza pitstops, we had supper at newton circus
me and my butterfly tattoo. because our team name was - BUTTERFLY RIDERS! (:
(much to the guys' dismay)

the rest of the journey slowly droned into a test of determination when the butt aches set in
we cycled to orchard tho! it was one of the places i reallyreally wanted to cycle to
we went past fareast, and the entire stretch of orchard.
the feeling's really awesome, going past paragon and its marble floors, plaza sing and its quiet stoicism, and cathay with its bright lights with not a single soul around
i must say, i like it alot better at night (:

we reached back at eastcoastpark at about 630am, but by the time we packed up and debriefed it was nearing 8am
the drive back to mac's was rather torturous. i was so tired i fell into a deepdeep sleep at every single stoplight that mac had to take over the wheel
we had stomp practice after that at church till 6pm hahaha
and with that it concluded the longest amt of time i didnt sleep in a day(s)

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