
mac came over to my place the night before vday, to surprise me with Teuscher chocolates (:



from the website:

sooo beautiful and sweet (:
however, after i successfully guessed the price of the chocolates, it was sooo "heartpain"!
i couldnt bear to open up the chocolates until today, when i couldnt resist anymore
i took the liberty to have one as well, and the chocolate was so pure and fine it literally melts in your mouth, as cliche as it sounds

on vday itself, mac took leave and came to NUS to join me at school! (:
we drove to clementi for lunch + bubble tea to satisfy my cravings and then back to school for classes
after that, we went to the cathay for a movie before joining the rest of the youth group for steamboat dinner at yusong's house, in our valiant efforts to resist being sucked into the commercialization of valentine's day
the steamboat session was REALLY good, much to my surprise
although our pastors did make really lame efforts at playing vday table games, or put up love-song dedications, and what nots :p

the 87ers came to my house for wii after dinner, before driving out to labrador park for a midnight picnic (: hahaha!
there were like loads of couples there as well, including MOUTers who parked their cars there and shielded their windows
*scratches head and wonders what they were up to*

my sister and i went to sentosa last wednesday before reunion dinner (:
with our dogs (:
we inflated our little green turtle float, and (unsuccessfully) taught them how to swim
and they call jack russel terriers "water dogs" sighh

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