
a really vintage looking car/van parked on the 2nd level of my condo's carpark

it prolly doesnt seem very weird now, but amidst the audis/merc/lexus/MX8s/random-vans on that deck, this was the vehicle that stood out the most as i surveyed the carpark for a parking lot

exam fever has caught up on me. nothing else seems to matter in this period of time now haha
ok, aside for my movies (:

i've got my internship confirmation as well (: i'll be interning under MYCG, an insurance company starting may12
which means i effectively have 7 days of absolutfun&laughter before its back to the routine of early mornings and early drives to work
except this time, it comes with the additional incentive of a SALARY, which is more than enough to get my blood going, and my cant-stand-the-morning-body up and running (:

pictures! (that sophia juz uploaded)
Wii! you wont get it till you try it. you can get muscle aches from playing this!

blooies! one-for-one drinks + good food (: just at my doorstep *evillaughter*
ok the point of this picture isnt really about the food
its bout the unintended panoramic view of our side of the table
lide looks like he's in both pictures, if you ignore that hand HEE.

last one. i know this is damn bad, and i apologize in advance. but....

this is classic. in the midst of all that adrenaline at that =p
so just in case facebook crashes in the future, i'd still have it here to look back onto (:

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