this is an official declaration, that i have traipsed into love with..


my new found love

yes, i know it's been around for quite some time, i've missed out the past 22 years of my life
i've just never really liked sweet potato or yam particularly, nevermind them in oddly-discolored coconut milk
there was even a time, i sulked half a day because i was more than coaxed to finish some homemade bobo chacha

oh the times have changed.
i still dont quite fancy the sweet potato, never was a huge fan
the yam, it's alright, not that bad when its taste is masked by the strong coconut scent
what i really do love.. are the GELATIN cubes

i like it so much my maid's been putting one and a half packet of gelatin cubes into our homemade bobo chacha, instead of the prescribed half packet, just so there'll be some left at the end when i'm done with it, together with the pathetic pieces of sweet potato left behind

yummy, much.


i had my GEM2900 paper today, the first since WHO's declaration of swine flu as a pandemic threat
because of that, we were supposed to report to the exam venue an HOUR earlier to measure our temperatures before we step foot in the exam hall
talk about media-induced paranoia -.-

on the advice of friends, i left house an hour earlier today, so i could navigate clementi peak-hour traffic and reach sch half an hour after the stipulated temperature measurement, thinking i've got the better end of the deal
when i got there, i realized my expectation of long lines of irritable, germ-ridden students waiting to get an aural thermometer stuffed up their ear had been uncalled for
there were NO lines at all, other than masked & gloved staff directing us towards this metal-detector-looking frame, where all we had to do was stare at our own eyes in this mirror before our body temperatures were instantly registered on the LED screen
(woaaaa, high tech)

and then that was it.
i almost felt cheated when they ushered me along to the hall

so, i was half an hour early for my exam today, the first time in my life
what i did find at the exam hall were irritable, (germ-ridden?) students who have also been fooled by rumored long lines for temperature taking

in all redemption, the paper went fanta-frickin-tastic (:

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