where'd you go

im feeling majorly frustrated and uber pissed.

no point complaining and whining about it. much good it'll do.
i feel myself brimming with energy and liveliness, but yet stuck in myself, coughing my lungs out, with a perpetual headache that wont go away, and worst of all - i lost my voice.

im so sorry to all whom ive canceled plans with. or whom im gonna cancel plans with.
it really sucks but theres nothing i can do since i dont know sign language.
it's like dangling a piece of freshly done smoked salmon in front of a starving kitten just slightly out of its reach,
or like running out of coins when you reach a drink station after a 10k run and theres no other ways of quenching ur thirst.

it sucks to be sick.
because i know the only cure is to sit and wait.
and also because i know this is the last 2 days we can actually have plans like these.

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