mad rush

today marks day 3 since i've started work at MYCG, and i'm already kinda out of breath.
its not from the work, no, the work's fantastic. i've got great lady-bosses, who are oh-so-cool and jolly that meeting them each day puts a smile on my face.
the office is really amazing too - its an old colonial house converted into an office, with beautiful and well thought-out interior design that's very sleek and classy within.
my fellow intern, vanessa and i have our own terminals to work with, and also a kitchen-full of well-stocked foods that is replenished daily, including delicacies from J-Co donuts, loads of chocos & icecreams, baskets full of cheezels and so on.
no wonder i've become a lil more rolly-polly since i've started work.

but work aside, i've been rushing faster than speedracer from rehearsals to rehearsals
reso rehearsals have taken up almost every single night, and as i rush to school from work i grab dinner in the form of paos, snacks, milos, further fueling the rolly-polly in a rapid snowball effect
then, i rush for strings rehearsals for the upcoming wedding. thank God its at ACS(I), because that makes rushing a lil easier
we had prac at cindy's ytd - ains, edwin and i, without wayne, which is rather funny because the wedding is at wayne's church, and the couple getting married are wayne's friends, and wayne was the one who got this quartet together but he aint playing
unfortch, unlike the other past weddings we've done, this time we're doing the processionals itself, and also the preludes, which can be very stressful esp since my violin still goes out of tune every now and then as it pleases (including my playing of course)

today, i rushed from work(hollandV) to interview(aljunied) in a matter of 20min, thanks to jam-less roads despite peak hour cramps. and then from there rushed to a church funeral @ singapore caskets.

tmr, i'll be again, "rushing" to tanjong pagar for a training session for my insurance company, before another mad rush session for rehearsals again.

till the next time i can time and energy then~

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