your world, my world

I have 3 and a half blisters on my hands and feet combined, and aches that seem to mushroom all over my body, esp my forearm (garh, the pain). Once again, it does seem pretty “incessant” to have 2 badminton sessions (yesterday, and TODAY with josh, mac, wayne, zhic, charles) scheduled 2 days in a row. Unfortunately, both sessions saw very many guys and little or no other girls besides myself, and it seems to cultivate this “need” to match up to the guys, or be at least a little more decent/strong in playing so that you dont drag the team down. It is definitely more tiring cuz its like being kept on your toes, but its also real fun cuz its challenging and exhilarating (esp when I do manage to match up at certain but few points in the game!)

Badminton was quickly followed by another Wii-session :D

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Dinner was at “Miss Clarity Café” with the two ruths and meiqing
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meiqing’s 21st birthday-ish cake + some blur-ish pictures of the outside of the café

the food was so-so only, but the place was pretty interestingly designed with really chick decos and menus
it was like stepping into “madhouse” world or smth – its very PINK and cheery (:
Purvis street has quite a number of really artsy-fartsy shops/offices so it makes a rather intriguing visit, which makes up for the not-so-good food

I got to meet up with almost all the people headed to UC this coming semester too, and it really looks like the whole bunch of us (12 pple) are gonna be doing a massive roadtrip together or summat. Its gonna be interesting in a way that could either be very good, or very bad, because meeting with those peeps today, and talking with them, made me realized that we’ve got together a whole bunch of unique (read: different) and interesting personalities bounded by the same interest in traveling and our exchange to sunny california. We’ll see how that turns out, but im glad anyhow that there’re so many people going together, people who will eventually become friends with each other to hold on to in an alien land, and perhaps people I will grow to truly hold close to my heart, as I do with those who went to germany with me

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