im giddy..

flu bug's hot on my tails. gotta do something bout it. headache plus dizziness is no merry-go-round.

kb n shai came over today. guys are SO loud. my mom got dragged outta her slumber by their talking. shai brought his game cube n we had intense tennis matches wit mario characters. it was rly fun the characters made funny noises throughout the game.

flew another kite today. didnt turn up for the nE dinner. oops so sorry guys!! heat's gettin to my head i was pretty much spinning. was already near the bus stop before i turned back. went for a car ride wit my mom to pick up my dad. had a real heart-to-heart. twas gd.

my fam's going to msia tmr for a golf game wit the kids. having the house to myself! :)

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