
the tsunami in SEA made me appreciate life even more. the tragic scenes on the news made me shed tears for the victims. it doesnt seem fair. these people were sacrificed for being by the coast. God has His plans i guess. the enormity of God's power. it makes me treasure the breath tt i still have. all the trivial conflicts n problems we have are nothing compared to the loss of life, or the loss of a loved one. pls pray for the tsunami they'll find hope in their darkest times.

on a lighter note.. heres wad ive been busy wit.
ytd was chalet at SAFRA. it was pretty fun. had some team-building games n bowling. our fam had an entire chalet to ourselves. it was pretty cool.

took a train frm simei to school. a whole hour of traveling. in my haziness due to lack of slp i boarded the train only at 9 when at the back of my brain i knew i had to reach sch at nine. it was weird. so got there an hour late. had OG briefings.. then packed the orientation packages, did the march-in rehearsals n danced HELL alot. o a big thnx to jolene who taught seok n i the superstar routine. cuz both of us knew ZERO bout it. then azad sarah joshua n i tried the dance in front of the gym mirror while nadim n his gang slacked n did weights there -.- azad n sarah were rly funny albeit they had disagreements in the dance steps. lol.

we performed the routines again n again at the bleachers. till i was so exhausted i was gonna fall asleep while dancing. but guess wad joshua n i got andrew n jolene to review the routine wit us again after we were dismissed. *applause* nadim was such a slacker he was juz there watching us. then josh n i went for dinner at kap n split.

sigh i feel pretty downhearted by the tsunami tragedy. so many lives were lost overnight. a catastrophe indeed

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