another day

ytd's was melody's 21st birthday @ yumcha (:
(i koped this frm celine's facebook btw since i didnt bring camera hahaha)
happy birthday melo!! (: thanks for the invitation dear

the food was glorious.. so here're just some of the interesting foods we had
birthday (backside) buns. which was hilariously entertaining

fried giant pepper prawns with their backsides stuffed in a sliced pineapple
but it was superrrrr nice

the only people who were ontime and the only people who consumed 4-5 plates of peanuts while waiting
we took a group shot after. zhenjie send mee!

there was sooo much food there (i think it was a 10-course meal, no?) i think i reversed all my efforts @ swimming and pilates class
there was a strawberry fondue to top off all that, arranged beautifully in the shape of a flower bouquet
i had alot of that course, naturally.

speaking of food, today was DG day, after which i went to ngeeannpoly for lunch with ernest, zhenjie and lide
i know its absolutely random, but thats the first time i've seen the inside of NP proper even tho i go pass it everyday

sunday saw yet another stomp practice, that was actually really fun
its pretty amazing how fast things get put together this time round, and how fast it works out
after that mac&i met my mom for some bag shopping and she got herself a gorgeous Balenciaga bag
no pictures available at this pt of time. my casio's still with the camera hospital doctors

but i do have a picture of another gorgeous bag
any sponsors? :P

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