
i know im a little late for this, but i just wanna thank all those who made my birthday one that i'll never forget (for better or worse)
i came home from the 2nd day of celebrations, lugging all of these

prolly the most presents i've ever gotten at one go from all of you bright shiny peeps(:
for the 2 days of celebrations, i've thoroughly enjoyed myself
from the people calling/msging/msn-ing/facebooking their happy birthdays and showering me with loads of love and presents, to the family & familyfriends badminton to wii-ing at my place, to the grand birthday cake to chorused birthday songs, to the lovely birthday dinner @ mt faber to the lovely gifts, to the candle-midnight-surprise, and perhaps even the part where i got thrown into the pool...

just wna say that, i've been loved, and thanks for all tt lovin' (:

in the midst of it all, i forgot to take pictures -.-
so here're some pictures from people's phones and cameras

cell group + mini celebration on 10th jan
cecilia & catherine bought me this brownie from P.oosh for the mini celebration (:
it was frickin good

mass badminton @ parcpalais 11th Jan
the old, the young, and the lovers hehehe

my 3kg birthday cake, that came with a huge chocolate key

candlelights at the stroke of midnight. ok not really. but well appreciated (:
dunking pictures are.. CENSORED

birthday dinner @ mtfaber jewelbox
a really beautiful place with hilltop scenery and sunset. unfortch, i went late and saw only the end of sunset


so that was that for my birthday (:
the next day, we had stomp for CNY and then victor's 21st birthday @ outback

there's sooo many people's 21st coming up within the next.. 2 weeks.
january is truly the month for lovin.. and being broke hahaha

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