happy new year!

firstly, a very happy new 2008 year to everybody! (:
for what its worth, 2007 was one heck of a year with real fond memories, complete with its own ups and downs, happys and sads, successes and failures
the end came with a big bang as well, especially in this last december

so for good times and memories sake, here's whats been happening before we waved 2007 goodbye

heres all of us in our last (now second last) performance
im soo glad we turned out alright, despite all the skepticism and negativity that was infused at the beginning

heres to the lovely peeps who made stomp so much fun despite the exhaustion
unglam, yes.

but not as unglam as this
stomp = gansta = crazy hair

multiple camwhoring sessions @ SCO and CCIS

the go-go-power-rangers @ CCIS - we knew it was going to rain this year during christmas
so all of us came prepared to sing in our multi colored ponchos
it was a memorable night, because after we trooped up the stage (with multiple stage lights on us) the rain stopped, so the entire choir began to strip off our ponchos ON STAGE

camwhoring before SCO performance

christmas countdown supper with the pastor! (:

new years cranium countdown @ celine's ytd!!

and another random shot of people who made things alot more fun this year

i managed to meet up with the rumbo girls for a christmas NERD party as well @ sharon's!!
i think i lost some pounds at the tummy that night cuz i couldnt stop laughing, esp during monopoly
it was sooo great to meet up with the girls again, although it was a short gathering :(

i met up with shaiwan, seok and cherie as well for dinner/supper @ spaggedies on the same day
same same people, but different in our own ways (:
and, we're all flying off to different places in this year itself.

2008 looks great. and i cant wait to experience it (:

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