as long as you love me

i rly wonder what you're thinking. what you mean by the things you said. i know im not showing you the real me. the real me with the more than real feelings. that's because i dont want to leave myself vulnerable to the spears of hurt that may come. im afraid. afraid of the next step. i swore i would never jump into this without thinking again. and yet, i find myself in the same pool of confusion. again. wondering. i want you. and yet, you have no idea

got my result slip today. dont kno what to think bout a BCDE. nice progression, it being geog, lit, math, and econs respectively. bah ok it sucks alright? everything sucks.

had chamber rehearsal after sch. too short to b effective. but im not complaining. got a ride frm charles for half of the journey home. the rest, was traveled in solitude.

my mom's traveling to china tmr. tt leaves my home utterly parent-less. somehow that spells heaven

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