christmas gospel rally 2007

after months of hardwork and rehearsals, christmas rally @ SCO today was a huge success (:
in that priceless split second of applause and gratitude shown by the audience, and also seeing the number of people who received christ during alter call today, made me feel that all the hard work and sacrifice put in towards this gospel rally was worth it, and that it would start all over again.

okay, just that split second.
most of the time, after the rehearsals, we look like this
not very fun at all

so i've finally decided to upload pictures to remember this rememberable night
starting with the youth christmas rally on saturday, and rehearsal pictures

bunch of us during lunch at rehearsals

my pink hat and pink brush

then came the big day - today
starting with the happenings in the torture room where we underwent the transformation to wayang-hood

the sister and the cousin while waiting for makeup

and the aftermath:

twas an awesome performance, albeit flawed in its own way, but it showcased us giving our all for God and his glory, and thats what matters



"its not the end that matters, but the journey"

and this journey was helluva ride (:
one last performance tmr!

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