
congrats, you're finally as old as meee! although only for a month, but i know you're very very happy to be the same age as me now hahaha! anyway, thanks girl for walking me through all of life's ups and downs, just being there for me whenever i need a listening ear even though you're 20000 miles across the ocean from me half the time. thanks for being my bestie and for coming so far despite so many odds. you know i love you (and i know you love me because i gave you cookies of love :P) and i really hope we'll be poking fun at each other even when we're 90 and sick and tired of our 10,000 grandchildren running around, sipping tea and watching our husbands pawn each other at dota. hahaha

anyway, mission surprise-celine-at-midnight kinda succeeded. sort of.
melody and i employed 3 great help from our male domestic maids ytd to help us in our making of "cookies of love" :p
thanks sooo much melody for letting us use your house! (: sry if we created a mess!

the first batch of cookies.. in a very weird and contorted shape. sorry la, it was like 11pm?!

final product was not bad actually, although we didnt have time to do the icing or hello-kitty sponge cake
we drove up to celine's place and delivered the birthday goodies at midnight, and spent an HOUR talking outside her house hahaha
pictures are with.. the birthday girl. (send me!!)

anyway, some random pictures from my phone, which i've finally decided to upload
so, pardon me if the picture qualities are terrible :p

Curry favor dinner with abel&melo

a veryveryvery blurry shot of us while waiting for the other lovebirds to come join us :p

Caroling @ Tan Tock Seng Hospital
i went caroling with NUSreso (: we went ward visiting and singing christmas songs to the patients in each ward
it was my first time actually doing such kinds of caroling
and i must say, it beats all of the other sorts of caroling
it was priceless seeing the responses and expressions of the patients there, most of them who were elderly folks
some of them were so touched and happy that they broke down, while some of them requested for songs to be sung to enjoy christmas with us (:

lide and mac came to meet me for lunch @ novena sq after (my first time there!)

Hokkaido + Tokyo 2007
some shots from my phone camera while i was there. the rest of the pictures are still with my dad

the transit at bangkok. i was officially at bangkok this holiday tooo! (:

some other random shots just outside hokkaido airport

my sister and i at grand hotel, sapporo, where they played soothing christmas new age music 24hours a day (:

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