japan, sapporo

a few more pictures since the cameraman (aka dad) has returned with the video cam!

at tokyo airport waiting for transit to hokkaido, sapporo

the town near hokkaido airport was a very quiet town, rather people-scarce. life-scarce actually
our quest to search for people/food led us to this really beautiful cottage called Letao

the design was superbly european, and the interior reeked of wood and pastry baking. a warm welcome from the freezing cold outside
strawberries on bagel with whipped cream (: all mine!

the scenery in japan was just stunningly beautiful

on our first night out in sapporo hokkaido, it started snowing while we were at the german village (:
although it wasnt our first time seeing snow, the delight at seeing fresh snow falling is something that never diminishes

we drove up to Kokusai to ski the next day

my dad and my sister posing after a warm lunch at the ski place

a few other sights and sounds
typically japan - our stopover on our way home.

the car that we drove there, well equipped with its GPS and heating systems
i got to drive in japan!! (:

the real life pokemon airplane @ hokkaido airport

thats all i have for now. the rest of the trip was documented in videos (:
on an ending note, do watch "i am legend". its one of the better thrillers i've seen with no boring moments at all

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