merry christmas everyone!!

i've had a huge toast+eggs+prata craving ever since i was in japan, and i havent had the time at all to go out for breakfast since i came back
so today, mac and i went to AMK hub for breakfast (: my first time there as well!

anyway, i found this picture rather.. endearing
the boyfriend and the dog started watching teevee together while waiting for me to get ready

and then when i came out, only my dog was still watching TV :p
but credits to the poor boy who had been spreading himself thin with multiple commitments, and yet still manages to wake up early each morning to ferry me to wherever i needed to go to (:
in return, i snuck up on him and applied SK2's wonderful eyemask for eyebags (:

christmas rallies are finally over. after months of hard work, rehearsals and loads of fun, its finally over (:
i took a shot of the kids at english christmas rally on christmas eve. they're sooo adorable!

the 87ers + zhenjie drove to east coast for christmas countdown
but it turned out to be quite a failed attempt because we forgot to countdown when we were there!
despite that, it was pretty relaxing to just stroll along the beach cuz the weather was really cooling, and the sky was pretty nice that night (:

i really thank god for such a wonderful christmas this year (:
christmas party + stayover @ my place was really fun as well, despite many changes in the planning
now, to complete this christmas,all i need to do is my christmas shopping

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