mr brightside

my immune system's doesnt seem to be functioning. at all. the flu virus has hit me full blast, wit every single flu symptom acting on my defenseless 'immune system'. no matter how many pills i pop, it juz doesnt seem to go away. hmm. but it rly gets to me when i cant breathe at all, and when the flu mutes me. o well i guess i'll have to try surviving on hand signals for now.

hmm. our anonymous tagger on this blog has downgraded himself/herself to forging names to conceal its identity. all i can say is that u seem to have too much time on ur hands. so pls go and get a life. because this aint hurting anyone except urself.

these few days have been passed in a blur b4 my watery eyes. however, being down wit flu means more time spent at home, more time spent alone, and wit God, and more time to catch up wit work. it aint that bad afterall. plus, it totally eradicated my appetite for food. which works out juz fine for me.

constant prayers for many issues going on right now. had some time to talk wit daniel. and he's done a pretty gd job at sorting out my thoughts. making it clear to me. rly appreciative daniel. :) if u read this.

tmr will be another day of non-school for me. another day to fight that dreaded flu.

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