truly truly blessed

i feel rly blessed by God's love and grace. things always work out when i call out to our Holy Father. i know in Him i can place my trust and faith. for He is my pillar of strength and foundation :) He truly grants strength to the weary and power to the poor. amen.

things have been rather smooth-sailing. because of God's mercy in my life. firstly, AC strings got a gold for syf! :) it's my first ever gold in my performing life, and altho i kno that some pple arent rly happy cuz we didnt get honors along wit the gold, but i think we did a gd job, and it's all in God's grace that we even made thus far frm where we started frm. praise the Lord!

we went up on stage to shake Mrs Principal's hand today. in my opinion it was pretty retarded and an act of self-glorification, but twas an experience nonetheless. the guys taopoked wayne in the backstage, n weizhe grabbed zhic's leg thinking it was wayne's. lol. that was funny. tho it didnt clear the way for unhappy stuff that occured after tt. bleh. some pple are juz way too rigid.

God's grace acted via the postponement of the geog test which was sposed to be tmr as well. i didnt have time to study due to numerous commitments, but God took the burdan off me graciously, wit the sudden postponement of the test till nxt fri. this came along wit the extension of the deadline of our E4 essay, which was also due tmr. praise God.

im also finally gonna start math tuition wit macarthur, and hopefully in due time, get my overdued A for math :)

i feel truly blessed and touched wit God's love. to have so many amazing friends beside me. went out wit seok shai and kb juz now for dinner. its been a long time since we've went out. and im rly glad we did :) had alot of fun with them.

mr tan treated the entire string orch to pizza ytd after our syf. :) a few seniors came to support us at syf it was rly nice to see them again. haha. thnx to those pple who showered us wit well-wishes as well!

I lift my eyes to You, Lord. In Your strength will i break through, Lord

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