you sang to me

rutter and sospiri is permanently etched in my mind now, as with mep's beethoven symphony no4 when i was taking music. wit all these rehearsals.. maybe i'll get my violin mark soon on my chin. :P not that i want it actually.

woohoo i burnt off some calories ytd by completing 3 rounds of run wit joanne. miraculously we decided to attempt napfa silver after a year of absolutely NO pe. my running's deteriorated by alot. joshua timed us and we clocked a 2 min plus for one round. atrocious.

had rehearsals ytd and today. or 'training', as shai puts it. intensive stuff. syf's next wed. we should be putting in more effort i guess. hope we get a gold :)

went out for dinner after rehearsals today. i rly wonder wat happened to my appetite nowadays. hunger no longer seems to register in my dictionary. not that im complaining. but i reckon it highly unhealthy to go without much food for about 2 weeks now.

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