momento mori

It just took some time to understand
You gave me words I just can't say
So if nothing else
I'll hold on while you drift away

i rly need to correct my sleeping pattern. or maybe it's fine, just tt my body clock disallows "sleeping in" when i desperately need it. grr. i woke at 9 today after sleeping at.. god knows what time ytd night : (

*yawn* im soo sleepy now..

something rly interesting happened on the bus today : ) the memory of it makes me smile n my heart skip a beat. haha. fun stuff. catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day.. . heres a beautiful star that fell into my book of memories that wld be pleasant to recall on a rainy day : )

Maybe today
It's gonna be okay
I will remember

speaking of stars.. i wanna go star gazing!! havent had the luxury of time since eons ago.. now that that's finally back in my grip.. muahaha. well at least for now. i was promptly reminded by a senior of how near A's were today. gee cut me some slack will ya. >.< 2 months. that's a loonnngg time =p for now im juz gonna catch up on sleep haha!

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