clinging on tight

cause maybe there's another plan
one i still cant see
a little surprise, like your love in my life
funny how time changes how we see

back from the downs : ) whats done is done. i cant change anything, and God granted me the gift of acceptance. so this ball's bouncing back again : )

well, i guess i vaguely kissed my overseas education gdbye. maybe that's God's answer for me. maybe it's all part of His plan. o well. juz gonna leave it all to Him. what things are meant to be, will be. He makes all things beautiful in His time : )

went for another round of grocery shopping wit my mom as part of our 'domestication training' and in prep for the potluck mooncake party. we ended up fishing for live prawns hehehe. which was a whole lot of fun. after we brought em home, we realized that the live prawns and crabs sparked more than just OUR interest. when my two furry babies came racing towards us when we brought the soon-to-be seafood home, we decided to see just how they wld react to them.

bubble and the singled-out crab..

ginger and the many live prawns..

needless to say, we all collapsed in bouts of laughter. haha. the great extent of their curiosity combined with just enough fear resulted in rather interesting behavior lol.

the party was alright. but i had a creeping migraine that left me collapsed in a chair trying to shut out the dizziness. it was a rather formidable feeling that i still cant explain. i felt almost a sort of yearning while i had the migraine. like a kid yearning for his mom when hes sick. just tt it was different considering my age. but nonetheless it made me feel like crying. it was juz so weird. a feeling of utmost vulnerability and dependability that i havent felt in ages.

garhh.. maybe i just need more sleep. and less thinking.

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