rain, rain, go away..

i was at my condo's gym today. and i stood watching this young little boy perform primary 3 science experiments on the treadmill that has heart-rate-detector handbars. needless to say, i was amused : ) as per required in the "experiment" he was to perform, he took his pulse first, then started jumping up and down while on the treadmill to speed up his heartbeat. following that he tiptoed to place his hands on the handbars again to check his heart rate, but he wasnt even tall enough to reach em! haha AWWW. -so cute!!- so i decided to give him a hand. two hands actually. i lifted him to the level of the handbars. AWWW. but he was one heavy kid for his small size. i ended up speeding up MY heartbeat in all that weight lifting. haha o well but for a gd cause! : )

I laugh, i dream, i cry
when you take me on a rollercoaster ride

ok. reality check. 4th day since the start of school. flood of bad results to be released through the gates of hell tmr. in the anticipation of impending doom, i eat chocolates. haha. how better to deal with blues than to get fat. lol ok actually contrary to that, im surprisingly nonchalent bout the results. no pt worrying bout stuff that we cant change. i'll prolly worry bout it AFTER i get my results.

took some time off the library studying time to sit by the bleachers by myself. -woo.. zen- haha. but seriously, the sky is an awesome relaxant. i cld sit there forever, with drink in hand, chocolates in the other, and thoughts in the sky. haha. if only we had the time to do it more often.. we'll all be happier shinier perkier people. hehe.

10 more weeks to after As.. its short enough to count wit my fingers! yayy! we've finally graduated from the nitty-bitties of the average JC life, frm worrying bout how to skip swim pe, to escaping the penalties for eating in class, to devising ways to get past the security guard, all the way to fighting the last and final battle. as hard as its gonna be, im gonna try to enjoy the last 10 weeks of school and exams, of course, definitely with much help frm God's abundant grace : )

if at first you dont succeed, try, try again. ok im gonna TRY to study now =p
Heaven knows, i've been waiting for you..

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